Friday, October 7, 2022

Has it been that long?

 As  I continue to explore image making, using technology to morph and bend images, I see a correlation between the visual artists and musicians who use various tools to extent the visual and musical range of their pieces. 

In preparing for an exhibition at the Anderson Arts Center, I am using  my "machine" to generate images that provide me with new possibilities in how an image is read, constructed and displayed. Is it a static piece or is it a moving sequence of transitional images in time? or can it be both?

The following images are stills from short film pieces, constructed through the"machine" and then further refined through photo editing software. Much the way one would dodge and burn an image while  in the darkroom, or use a number of negatives to create an image.  I am refining and exploring the multiple possibilities of bending and morphing images. 

 The Name of the Exhibition at the Anderson Arts Center is: "Unfounded Rumors, Images from a Machine of My Own Devising" Actually the named changed.

Markers of Memories
18" X 24" inkjet on paper
D. Jones ©2022

Somewhere In My Dreams
18" X 24" inkjet on paper
D. Jones ©2022

18" X 24" inkjet on paper
D. Jones ©2022

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