A time of chaos, of protests, murders of black men and women at the hands of over zealous police, protests, riots, COVID-19, a president who sows chaos and encourages discord amongst citizens, it all becomes disheartening, and another call to march, to protest mistreatment, racial hatred, bigotry, and on and on. I am tired and angry that yet another Black man has lost his life, and the calls and protests fall of deaf ears. I hear the response; We will study the situation and get back to you or We will form a committee…
I realized that if I were Black this would most likely be my reality- where everyday there would be the very possibility of some sort of slight- a look, a gesture- or the taking of my life, my freedom, my ability to move about unencumbered. Every fucking moment. That would be exhausting, frustrating and in time would either bring resignation, sadness and anger- I see and feel both now. And part of the population see this as okay. Because that is not their experience as the ones in control. This must change the soul of this country depends on it. Perhaps the current administration is counting on our resignation and fatigue.
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