Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Monday, May 13, 2024

Moments Missed


CMYK monoprint with hand-coloring
10.5" X 14" c.2024

While sitting in the silence of the morning, I heard a mourning dove sing its song, finches and others filling the moments with theirs.

I thought how fortunate I was to hear this fullness of sound, mixed with the slight shadows cast from the flowering cherry and apple trees. 

Sometimes though all I hear is the cacophony of bells, whistles, exhaust notes, and the popping of gunshots in the distance.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mother's day.

 Keeper at the Gate
CMYK monoprint with hand coloring
10.5" X 14" 

Went to look for the northern lights last night, all I could see was the light pollution we give off, so as not to live in darkness.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Now I Understand?

Winters Promenade
CMYK monoprint with hand coloring 
10.5" X 14"   c.2024

For years I have gone from painting, drawing, photography, and printmaking, trying to find the thing that resonates most. I realized today that it doesn't need to be one or the other. I need to touch all of those points. It seems that only then do the works feel complete. My focus flits from one to another then back. 

Plus, the smaller scale of the new works allows me to enter them on my own terms and in my own time. 

I've noticed that when hand-coloring, everything drops away. The concerns, the swirling chaos, everything that clamors for my attention, when all I really need to do is photograph print, and draw, then back.


Friday, April 26, 2024

Memory Series. 2024

A Shadow of something I saw a while back.
It was a sense of someplace I had been.
An amalgam of living reflections, blending together,
floating out to see.

Memory #3926

Memory # 5848

Memory #3385


Thursday, April 11, 2024

A few of my favorite things

Still Life on a Shelf

Working with a new camera- larger size images, I have it set up like an older type camera, where I can manipulate F stops, shutter speeds and Iso speeds. Immense possibilities. It's like starting all over.